Limousine ServicesWhat Occasions Do You Need A Limousine For?

What Occasions Do You Need A Limousine For?

Depending on the type of vehicle, the driver’s experience and the rental period, the rental price of a limousine can range from $ 150 to $ 1,400. Luxury vehicle and driver in uniform to your pampering, what more to want for an evening with great fanfare. The limousine rides are dreaming! Bachelorette parties, weddings, or a simple romantic twilight, many persons use a limousine driver to immortalize an important moment in their lives. Often synonymous with luxury, renting a limo is affordable. What’s more, in most cases, champagne will exist!

limousines Toronto

A limo driver for a bachelor party or wedding

Limousine drivers usually have two ways of working. Either they offer to their customers an hourly charge or flat rate. The package is rather suitable for a wedding because you are not unknowingly, it happens to fall behind the program of festivities. To enjoy your limousine, choose this solution. Some limousines Toronto yet offer packages “transfers”, ideal for a honeymoon for example or a luxury holiday. In this case, the fare is calculated from the distance to be made by the limousine driver. Also, note that the price may vary depending on the model of the vehicle. A hummer limousine ride will usually be more expensive.

Good to know: Limousine fare schedules may vary depending on the high and the low season. In addition, benefits will always be more expensive on weekends than on weekdays.

A bachelor party for a girl in a limousine will cost you between 250 $ and 300 $. (For two hours of walks and a bottle of champagne) Rent a chauffeured limousine for a wedding will cost you around 600 $. A cleaning fee may apply if the limousine is not made clean.

limousines Toronto

Rent a limousine for a special evening

The advantage of a limousine rental on time is often in its decreasing cost for the following hours. It’s also a cost-effective way to spend a dreamy night, without getting too far from your area. It is also possible to rent a chauffeured limousine for a special evening, for example, in the professional context, to impress a big client and make him the visit of Paris by night. Why refuse such a pleasure? Others put you forward a luxury transport service to go on any occasion: the premiere of a film, a trip to a disco, a birthday, an hour of limousine transport costs around $ 170. For the second hour of transport, it is necessary to count $ 150

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Be picked up directly from your private plane, enjoy a guided tour of the city or organize your transfer for major events such as Fashion Week, or the G20 summit. As the very first limousine service in Germany, A Limousine Service has more than 100 years of experience in the organization and realization of chauffeur-driven journeys. Our service has one of the world’s largest premium limousine fleets and a database of international drivers. Whether you are a businessman, a travel agent, an exhibitor, you can count on our experienced team.

Categories: Limousine Services
